Despite its significance and potential benefits, the pathway to CMMC is often viewed with trepidation by many in the Defense Department ecosystem.

by Tara Lemieux via Federal News Network, August 8, 2024 | 5 min read


The reality of cyber threats looms large in the Defense supply chain. Week after week, news headlines are littered with incidents of espionage and data breaches targeting our critical infrastructure, national security and high-value defense contracts. These threats are clear and present dangers that our nation must confront. This growing exploitation underscores a critical need for better security measures, and mandates such as the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), to protect the very backbone of our nation’s defense capabilities.

Despite its significance and potential benefits, the pathway to CMMC is often viewed with trepidation by many in the Defense Department ecosystem. Contractors and subcontractors frequently delay or avoid the necessary steps due to misconceptions about the process’s cost, complexity, and time requirements. These misconceptions not only impede the adoption of vital security measures but also introduce risks that could otherwise be mitigated with better understanding and strategic planning.

So, why the hesitation and delay?

  • Common misconception: Cost 
  • Common misconception: Complexity
  • Common misconception: Timeline 
  • Common misconception: Risk underestimation
  • Common misconceptions: Scoping


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