28: CMMC Documentation Compliance: Is Lean too Mean? Does Bloat equal Gloat?

26: CMMC in Motion: Rulemaking Updates with Matt Travis

In this episode Matt Travis, CEO of the Cyber AB joins us to discuss the latest updates and processes in the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) rulemaking timeline, as of March 3rd, 2023. Matt breaks down what the proposed rule looks like, how long it...
28: CMMC Documentation Compliance: Is Lean too Mean? Does Bloat equal Gloat?

25: CMMC – NFOs, Don’t Ignore Your Appendix E

This episode addresses one topic taken from our top ten list of most common failed practices from the CMMC & DIBCAC High assessments. Today we discuss Non-Federal Organization (NFO) controls, where Appendix E comes into play, updates on the NIST 800-171 rev.3...
28: CMMC Documentation Compliance: Is Lean too Mean? Does Bloat equal Gloat?

23: CMMC and Logging Capabilities, The Why and How

This episode addresses one topic taken from our top ten list of most common failed practices from the CMMC & DIBCAC High assessments. Logging plays a major role in protecting an organization’s CUI and FCI because it detects malicious activity. This episode...